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Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The first video game addiction treatment clinic opens in Britain

There will be the first clinic in London to treat young people from what has been called video game addiction.

Last year was interesting because during that time, the World Health Organization attributed video game addictions to the status of mental illness, thus ending the century-old debate over whether gaming could be something that needed to be treated. At least when looking at the problem from an institutional standpoint - because there is no consensus among people whether the decision was right. Yet, although gaming, which was then officially recorded as a disease, the number of specific actions that followed that should have contributed to handling it in an organized manner was relatively small - probably smaller than many expected when first introduced heard the news.

Thus, it is only one and a half days from now that the first clinic for the treatment of this disease will be opened. Based in London, it will become part of the UK's National Center for Addiction Prevention and will offer two types of treatment within its capabilities: through a Skype consultation and the placement of potential addicts on its premises.

It is also known who will be able to be treated there. It will be exclusively children and young people between the ages of 13 and 25 who are designated as the target group of this clinic. These are the years when games can take the most time, when it is easiest to get lost in virtual worlds, as well as formative years. So it should not be surprising that this is exactly the period that doctors first want to devote to.

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