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Monday, October 14, 2019

Gears 5 penalizes giving up the match - a two-year ban on playing

Multiplayer in Gears 5 will not tolerate players leaving the match before it's over.

The problem of prematurely leaving multiplayer matches to many games and players creates a problem, especially when the game relies on team action. It is therefore not unprecedented that players who leave the match when punished are punished and no longer have access to the game. But usually these are short-term suspensions. With the recent Gears 5, however, it's not loose.

One player recently got a ban on playing Gears 5 multiplayer for up to 640 days. The player complained that he had not received any warning before the sentence itself, so the community asked for the explanation from the creators of the game. And they got it: the player was penalized for leaving 18 of them in the same day of the 21 matches.

The game’s creators ultimately relented, but not by much. They removed the suspension for the players who got it, but gave them no room for another mistake - if they ever left the game ahead of time, they would be banned from playing for a year. Others have warned that the penalties are drastic because interrupting the game creates problems for players who continue to play it.

Check some of the older Gears 5 posts ->>

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