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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

20,000 cheaters were kicked out of Call of Duty: Warzone this week

 On the occasion of the start of the sixth season in the current Call of Duty modes, Activision blocked access to the game to a large number of players who were detected as cheaters.

Soon after the advent of Call of Duty: Warzone, players appeared who cheated in the same using all sorts of tools and methods for it. In the fourth month, development studio Infinity Ward blocked about 70,000 players who were confirmed to have used various tricks. But the problem of cheating has not diminished, so a new wave of blockades followed again this week.

Before the start of the sixth season in Warzone, more than 20 thousand cheaters were blocked, reports the Vice portal. I don’t normally follow the cheat tool scene, but supposedly cheat tools that are distributed through subscriptions are popular for Call of Duty games. It makes sense - today everything is on subscription anyway, so it is no surprise that the possibility of cheating is also sold on subscription.

On the forums of one of these services, cheaters are angry because, as they say - if they paid for something, they should not be kicked out of the game.

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